Reviewed by: Casey
Recommended by: Noel
I came into this movie knowing the protagonist was Vegetarian and the director had a thing for Cannibalism. So I made the assumption this was a comment about eating meat is bad and therefore you become a cannibal. The more I think about it this is just a coming of age story.
You have the mother that is vegetarian and willing to make a scene when her daughter find a meatball in her mash potatoes and the older sister who comments the protagonist is just like their mother. Which to me says the protagonist has spent her whole childhood, being what her parents want her to be. Then she eats meat, the prominent thing in our understanding of the parents, and she becomes the wild child. Which most kids when they go to college do. I may or may not have done some stupid shit.
Carla was not a big fan of the movie and could not relate to the character. Her thoughts were if the protagonist just said, 'Fuck off!', then half the things that happened in the movie wouldn't be a problem.
This is interesting because for me growing up I never thought to question my family, until High School which is the time I like the protagonist discovered who I was. Carla was taught to think for herself, which she did way early in life. So I get why this movie didn't hit home for her.
Overall, I would give this 4.5 Toga Parties
I definitely found this to be a coming of age story, or even a possible sexual awakening, but weirdly enough, with flesh eating instead of overt sex. The protagonist's self-loathing, shame and "all or nothing" sort of reaction to her body (and her bodily needs) felt like a very apt metaphor to me of the conflicting standards that young women are exposed to. Carla's reaction sounds very interesting. Personally, I tend to be a people pleaser and so I def related to the pressure and betrayal that the main character experienced.